Margot Freedman
Since graduating from Smith College in 1962, Margot Freedman has devoted her efforts to charitable causes in the areas of medical research, health care for older adults and arts education.
Serving on The New Jewish Home’s Board of Directors for the past 35 years, Ms. Freedman has helped lead our long term planning, development and compensation committees. In 1989, to honor her father who also served on the board for many years, the Eisner family established the Lester Eisner Jr. Center for Geriatric Education.
In 1997, Ms. Freedman joined the Board of the Irvington Institute of Immunological Research and established a post-doctoral fellowship in her late mother’s name, Margaret Dammann Eisner. In 2007, she joined the Board of the Cancer Research Institute, which merged with the Irvington Institute of Immunological Research.
In addition to serving as a docent at the Whitney Museum of American Art since 1990, she sits on its education committee. Ms. Freedman is also a member of the Lincoln Center Theater Patron committee.
Margot and her family own an apple farm in Saxtons River Vermont, where they grow and sell apples throughout New England. Recently the farm has established an arts residence program.
Ms. Freedman and her late husband, Norman, have two grown children and five grandchildren. Margot enjoys skiing, golf, traveling, photography and playing bridge and canasta.