FAQS about COVID-19 Vaccine
What steps is The New Jewish Home taking to ensure that Home Health Aides will not expose my loved ones to COVID-19?
All Home Health Aides (HHAs) wear gloves, n95 masks and surgical masks, gowns/aprons and goggles/face shields at all times while providing care. When traveling to and from clients’ homes, HHAs are instructed to wear masks. All have received and continue to receive extensive infection control training as well.
Have all your Home Health Aides received a COVID-19 vaccine?
Vaccine distribution to HHAs has only recently been approved by the Governor. Steps are being taken to vaccinate as many HHAs as possible as quickly as possible.
Can I request that the Home Health Aide assigned to me provide proof of vaccination?
Unfortunately, you cannot ask a HHA to show proof of vaccination as that would be a violation of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). You can, however, reach out to our coordinators to request to be serviced by a HHA who has received the COVID-19 vaccine and we will do our best to accommodate your request.
Why isn’t the COVID-19 vaccine required for caregivers coming into contact with high-risk clients?
While we are strongly encouraging all of our HHAs to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, we are not mandating it at this time. At this point the COVID-19 vaccine is classified as “experimental” by the government and, as such, it is authorized by the FDA for Emergency Use only. Unlike the flu vaccine, which we do require our HHAs receive (with limited exceptions), mandating an experimental vaccine, at this time, would raise ethical and operational issues. Please note that the health care industry in and around New York City is not yet mandating that staff receive the COVID-19 vaccine.
What are you doing to encourage Home Health Aides to get vaccinated?
We are making every effort to encourage our HHAs to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. All of our HHAs receive regular communications from The New Jewish Home, making them aware of times and locations of where they can receive the vaccine, as well as information regarding its safety and effectiveness from our Senior Medical Director and CEO.
How can I be sure my Home Health Aide hasn’t been exposed to COVID-19?
Unfortunately, almost everyone has some level of exposure to COVID-19. Our HHAs are rigorously adhering to infection control guidelines. By practicing social distancing, properly using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), monitoring for any signs or symptoms and behaving responsibly, we can minimize the likelihood that a caregiver will expose anyone to COVID-19. We strongly encourage clients and their loved ones to take similar precautions (i.e., when interacting with one another, during medical appointments, etc.).
Who can I contact if I have additional questions?
Please reach out to Beverly Williams, Director of Nursing at HAPI, at (718) 329-8381 or bwilliams@jewishhome.org.

Keeping Seniors Safe at Home
Our #1 priority at The New Jewish Home has always been senior safety. Now, during the COVID-19 pandemic, safety has become the center of every aspect of our operations. We have taken the following actions to ensure the safety of our seniors at home.