New York City is a lively city filled with endless opportunities, activities, and adventures – and they’re not just for teens and young adults. We’re sharing a comprehensive guide of the city’s programs for older adults and seniors – and their benefits – empowering aging neighbors to live happier, healthier, more fulfilling lives.

Older Adult and Senior Services in NYC

From food delivery and volunteering to transportation and fitness, read on to learn about the various services for older adults and seniors in New York City.

Food & Meals

A healthy diet is imperative to long-term health and maintaining energy throughout the day. New York City offers many food and meal services for older adults and seniors, including:

Community Dining Services

There are hundreds of locations around the city that offer healthy, nutritious, and balanced meals. Some even provide up-to-date information on healthy eating and private nutrition counseling.

Home-delivered Meals

If you or a loved one cannot prepare meals, you can set up an interview to receive fresh meals delivered to your door at no cost.

Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program

Once a year in July, the state gives $20 coupons to buy fresh produce at participating farmers’ markets. The vouchers are dedicated to older adults with low income and are good through November.

Contact your local Office for the Aging or NY Connects to apply or inquire about these meal services. The New Jewish Home’s Adult Day Health Care program also offers nutritional counseling and a dedicated diabetes management program focusing on meal planning, medication management, and self-care.

Employment & Volunteering

Staying active and engaged in your community is important to maintaining independence and forging meaningful connections. Fortunately, New York offers many employment and volunteering opportunities for adults ages 55 and over:

Senior Community Service Employment Program

Provides unemployed or low-income older adults with part-time jobs that pay the highest of the federal, state, or local minimum wage.

Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)

Matches the interests and abilities of volunteers with opportunities to help address important community issues and create intergenerational relationships. This program is very flexible and offers a lot of choices to older adults.

Foster Grandparents Program

Foster grandparents serve as mentors, role models and caregivers for children with special needs. They also provide one-on-one tutoring and serving as role models. Volunteers commit 15 to 40 hours per week and receive training and assistance with transportation costs.

These are just some of the amazing services offered to older adults looking to get involved in their communities. For more programs and additional information, visit New York State’s Employment and Volunteering page.

Caregiver Resources & Support

Caring for a loved one can be a full-time job. Thankfully, throughout New York City, many Caregiver Resource Centers provide assistance, counseling, training, and support groups that benefit both caretakers and those they care for.

If you’re a caregiver who needs to rest and recharge, consider New York’s Respite Services. This program offers temporary support from a substitute caretaker or alternative assisted living arrangements for care recipients. Both options provide caregivers with the well-deserved break they need without compromising care.

Tapping into support is important for a caregiver’s well-being. Visit the New York State Caregiver Page for additional resources.

Benefits and Programs for Older Adults and Seniors in NYC

Many city- and state-sponsored benefits and programs are available to older adults and seniors living in NYC.

New York City and State Benefits

Government programs empower older adults to lead their lives with greater independence and autonomy. There are many benefits offered to older adults and seniors in NYC, including but not limited to:

  • Social Security
  • Medicare
  • Veterans’ benefits
  • Reduced fares on public transportation, museums etc.
  • Elderly pharmaceutical insurance coverage

Taking advantage of these resources can alleviate some of the stresses of living in the city as an older adult, especially if you have a limited income.


Access to transportation as an older adult is critical to maintaining independence and mobility. The city offers reduced-fare MetroCards, Access-A-Ride, and Older Adult Center transportation. Read our comprehensive guide to NYC transportation for older adults and seniors to learn about the options available to you.

Shape Up NYC Free Fitness Classes

Staying active is vital to long-term health, and group fitness classes are a fun way to exercise that can also help older adults build community. The NYC Parks program Shape Up NYC offers many fitness classes and activities. The classes are free, and offerings include aerobics, Zumba, tennis, yoga, and more. Shape Up classes help older adults continue to lead a healthy lifestyle while meeting new friends in the process.

Recreation & Events for Older Adults & Seniors

Social engagement can offer older adults and seniors a sense of purpose and belonging while reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation. NYC Parks offers many recreational and social events, specifically for aging adults in NYC. These events are completely free, too. From senior socials to pickleball classes and dance workshops, older adults can find their niche and enjoy quality time with new friends.

At The New Jewish Home, we understand the importance of community and socialization for older adults and seniors. We offer Adult Day Health Care services to provide medical care, therapeutic recreation and socialization to help community-based older adults thrive. Our program features social events, physical and occupational therapy, nutrition counseling, and social work services. Contact us to learn more about our services and how we can help you.